The OKR Method

Witty OKR lets you

Witty OKR lets

Witty OKR lets














Transparent workflow, synchronized teams and aligned goals. Develop strong company culture focused on results that are in sync with the organization's vision.

Witty OKR

How it works

How it works

How it works

OKR management for fast moving organizations.

OKR management for fast moving organizations.
OKR management for fast moving organizations.
Set quarter objectives.

Teams can break down their goal in quarters so that it won’t be overwhelming. Setting the objectives quarterly will elaborate on what must be done before doing anything else that isn’t urgent now. Let’s say that your quarterly objective is this.

Set quarter objectives.
Do weekly checkouts.
Do weekly checkouts.

Weekly checkouts are necessary to see the progress of the objective as well as to recognize any obstacle that might slow the process of reaching the goal. With Witty's OKR framework, you can create a check-in where you can set the status to the following:

Not Started, On Track, In Trouble, Completed, Archived

Weekly checkouts are necessary to see the progress of the objective as well as to recognize any obstacle that might slow the process of reaching the goal. With Witty's OKR framework, you can create a check-in where you can set the status to the following:

Not Started, On Track, In Trouble, Completed, Archived

Weekly checkouts are necessary to see the progress of the objective as well as to recognize any obstacle that might slow the process of reaching the goal. With Witty's OKR framework, you can create a check-in where you can set the status to the following:

Not Started, On Track, In Trouble, Completed, Archived

Evaluate your goals.

This key feature is a visual of your overall progress from the day you first started up to where you’re currently reaching the goal. Having a discernable evaluation report will set the pace. If you’re on track, then your team will maintain the momentum.

The evaluation visual report would look something like this:

April 1-16: 75% complete

This key feature is a visual of your overall progress from the day you first started up to where you’re currently reaching the goal. Having a discernable evaluation report will set the pace. If you’re on track, then your team will maintain the momentum. The evaluation visual report would look something like this:

April 1-16: 75% complete

This key feature is a visual of your overall progress from the day you first started up to where you’re currently reaching the goal. Having a discernable evaluation report will set the pace. If you’re on track, then your team will maintain the momentum. The evaluation visual report would look something like this:

April 1-16: 75% complete

Evaluate your goals.



Companies always have a mission to change the world by coming up with the most innovative products and services. But with such a big responsibility on their shoulders, they need a medium that will guide them meticulously to avoid getting bested by their emotional exhaustion.

Companies always have a mission to change the world by coming up with the most innovative products and services. But with such a big responsibility on their shoulders, they need a medium that will guide them meticulously to avoid getting bested by their emotional exhaustion.

Companies always have a mission to change the world by coming up with the most innovative products and services. But with such a big responsibility on their shoulders, they need a medium that will guide them meticulously to avoid getting bested by their emotional exhaustion.

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Achieve your vision and goals with Witty
Employees Happy

Get started for free.

Achieve your vision and goals with Witty

Employees Happy

Get started for free.

Achieve your vision and goals with Witty

Employees Happy


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